Other symbolic meanings in the same line:
* The return home after a struggle
* A hardship survived
* A victory gained.

After that, the swallow tattoo was the tattoo design for sailors to show off their sailing experience. Every five thousand nautical miles (5750 miles or 9250 km), a sailor traditionally has a swallow tattooed onto his chest:
* Traveling over sea in the early years was a dangerous and difficult undertaking, so a sailor with one or two swallow tattoos was considered very experienced and therefore trustworthy and valuable.
* Legend has it that if the sailor does not survive his travels, and ends up drowning, the birds alight upon his soul and carry him from the murky waters, into Heaven's grasp...certainly a haunting image.
* Other occasions sailors used to get swallow tattoos:
o After sailing all 7 seas.
o After sailing around the horns (the bottom of Africa and South America).
o 1 swallow tattoo after crossing the equator and another one when coming back.
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