Tattoo lettering isn’t infrequent to see nowadays. Western people are fascinated by other peoples’ writing systems, especially oriental ones, that’s why often resort to Japanese of Arabic characters in their tats or get Chinese writing tattoos.
Chinese lettering tats seem cool because they are done in a language not everybody can understand; they are exotic and feature harmony in their designs. Some people value their beauty while the others use them to show off their Chinese origin or their deep interest in this country, its culture and inhabitants.
Chinese Writing Tattoos

Chinese scripts in tattoos is not an easy thing to do. Only reputable tattoo artists with a long experience in this field can do it. Chinese characters should be done with terrifying precision for in China writing is the real art where everything is done according to canonic rules. Chinese calligraphy presupposes brush strokes of certain shape and interrelations between the symbols. There’re should be no artistic flow or deviations from original rules.

Don’t mix Chinese characters with that of Japan. Kanji lettering used in Japan is Chinese by origin while Hiragana and Katakana are not. There’re also traditional Chinese writing and its simplified version for modern use. A western eye doesn’t notice differences though they exist.
Chinese Writing Tattoos

Very often Chinese writing tattoos not only look inappropriate but also their wearers don’t know their exact meaning. There’re numerous Internet sources claiming to provide precise translations of Chinese characters, so consult them before getting this or that tattoo. Some online services are paid, but they are not that expensive, so use a couple of them just to stay on the safe side. Know that poorly done Chinese writing tattoo evokes cynical smiles of those who’s cut their teeth on this topic.
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