When we think about oriental symbols to include in tattoos yin-yang concept is often the first that comes into out mind. It is so famous among people because of the deep meaning it carries. The philosophies of the East strike our western mind with their ability to combine seemingly contradictory concepts into one wise theory.

The Yin and Yang is a symbol of duality, it manifests that the opposites unite and form a harmonious unity, and in this way they are inseparable from each other. Graphically it is represented in the form of a circle with two parts divided by a curved line where the light part is the Yin and the dark part is Yang. The Yin is a manifestation of a female nature, cold and destructive forces while the Yang means masculinity and creativity. In the process of interaction - which is inevitable - these forces create five elements of the world which are Earth, Water, Air, Wood and Metal.

It is vital to remember that these parts are different yet they are equal in significance. Male and female, good and evil, cold and warmth are presented in the universe in a fifty-fifty ratio. Hence, there’re consequent concepts that all things have their bright and dark parts; the worse it is now, the better will be in future; two contradictory notions are in fact the front and the back of one and the same coin.. everything ‘s changeable, everything moves, nothing stands still, all things, good or evil, will eventually come to an end to open a way to something new.. It is so much about Zen world outlook with its tranquility and taking life as it is!
Oriental Tattoos: Yin-Yang Symbols

There’re some other color options for the Yin and Yang symbol and some deviations from its original shape, so you have a lot to choose from for your tattoos - Yin-Yang concept gives much field to creativity and helps you understand the meaning of the Universe.
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