Italy is the country that fascinates many people. Situated on a strikingly shaped peninsula, it attracts people by its heat, sun, spectacular history and rich cultural heritage. That’s why Italian tattoos are worn mostly by foreigners and people of Italian descent rather than by native people.

Italy, and its capital Rome in particular, has been a long time a religious center of Europe, the center of Catholicism. Vatican was the permanent residence of the Pope of Rome, and though this city-state is in all ways independent from Italy, Italians are proud of its connection to their own history. Hence, the Italian cross, or the Vatican cross, combined with some other symbols, is often chosen for an Italian tattoo. The cross has a medieval style sometimes, which is not accidental - the Church was the main social institution in those times and religion penetrated all spheres of people’s life.

But Italian tattoos borrow its designs even from the earlier times when pagan gods were worshipped. Take, for instance, the Italian Horn. It is the symbol of Moon Goddess and was believed to protect against the evil eye that inflicts harm on reproduction attacking, mother and their babies as well as male reproductive organs. The horns can be bought even today as souvenirs but there’s also a possibility to get a tattoo depicting it, which is much cheaper.
Italian Tattoos - Designs and Ideas

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