Sun and moon tattoo designed has always been popular because of their deep symbolism and universality. In fact, these celestial bodies have been of greatest importance for people since ancient times. Folks from all over the world created numerous legends about the Sun as well as the Moon, and identified them with divine creatures. Some folks had a habit of doing sun and moon tattoos in order to glorify these lamps of day and night.

Moon tattoo designed are loved and favored as the moon itself is a mystery. It rules sea tides and sometimes governs our emotions, according to the common belief. The moon and stars are the only who can aid lost travelers at night. At last, the moon fascinates human beings as it calmly shines on a dark night sky.
The Mystery of Moon Tattoo DesignsThe folks of Dahomey associated the moon with wisdom and gladness while Siberian shamans perceived it as a symbol of nighttime, the dark half of the world. In China the moon was the power of Yin representing female energy, anything that is dark, passive and cold. Gabon inhabitants believed the moon is a symbol of evil, water and odd numbers while with folks of South America it was the main deity.

Our forefathers believed that moon can control rudiments of the world and send thunderstorms and lightning to folks that are out of its favor. American Indians even attributed more power to the moon than to the sun. The reason for it was that the moon can shine in both day and night time and can even overcast the sun sometimes. That’s why the symbol of the moon is so widespread in fortune-telling and magic ceremonies.
The Mystery of Moon Tattoo DesignsSo moon tattoo designs are highly symbolic. They can be coupled with the sun, dragons or fairies to add additional symbolism or come alone as separate entities in your tattoos. The moon can be depicted with eyes and a mouth, smiling pleasantly or grinning sarcastically at the meanness of this world. That’s all up to your choice.
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