With the exact appearance of Kokopelli unknown, it is virtually impossible to create a standard image and this includes tattoo designs as well. This leaves you with a wide variety of freedom in attempting to decide exactly how your Kokopelli tattoo should look including size, design and color.

Trying to design your own Kokopelli tattoo is a process that you are likely to find highly personal. While some people think that dark colors are suitable for the image, others prefer to design the tattoo around the bright colors that they enjoy the most. Regardless of the colors that you choose, you can have a bit of freedom with the actual artwork that you choose for the basis of the tattoo.

While traditionally Kokopelli had been depicted bent over playing the flute, many designs lately have featured him standing up, with the flute pointed towards the sky, rather than the ground. This is only a matter of preference and just provides some example of the different ways that the tattoo design can be customized to fit your personality and desires perfectly.
Your ultimate tattoo will be something that is still consistent with the Native American symbols, as well as uniquely your own. In short, Kokopelli tattoos have the benefit of being widely recognizable, unique and full of spiritual meaning at the same time.
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