Previously, the removal of a tattoo left an unsightly scar, but using the MedLite® laser, a Q-Switched laser Nd: YAG laser, the laser of choice in this class of laser, any tattoo can be significantly lightened and reduced, even across a wide variety of tattoo inks. The MedLite laser uses rapid absorption of light energy that causes the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles that can be flushed from the body’s system naturally. And the best part is that the MedLite laser leaves the surrounding tissue, the area that is not tattooed, unharmed.
The tattoo laser procedure may take anywhere between 10 minutes to one hour depending on the tattoo. Continuous high-powered laser pulses lasting for less than one millionth of a second are aimed at the tattoo. Due to the fact that not all tattoo colors respond the same to lasers, multiple lasers may be needed. In order to allow time for your skin to heal and your body to absorb and dissolve the ink, this procedure will most likely need to be completed in multiple sessions over several months.
The area to be treated is cleansed and a gel applied along with a numbing cream or local anesthetic in some cases. The laser is then passed back and forth over the tattoo to break up the color pigments, making them small enough to be absorbed by your body and therefore “disappear”. After the procedure, an antibiotic ointment or sunscreen will be applied to the treated areas.

Post Treatment
You are able to work immediately following treatment although you may experience a sun burnt sensation. If necessary, take the pain medication prescribed. Scabbing, crusting or slight bleeding lasts two to seven days. When showering, do not scrub the treated area. Results are permanent and can been seen after a few days. Redness will disappear and the ink will fade.
Preliminary results after just one treatment. Permanent removal over a longer period of time with several treatments.